Turn Key Acoustic Solutions

We can provide you turnkey design and Install Services for the variety of Acoustic jobs, be it auditoriums, plant rooms, genset rooms, environmental noise controls, studios and cinema's etc. We have a extensive design capabilities in these fields some of which are listed below but are not limited to:

Acoustic Design and Noise Control in Architecture

We can advise on all aspects of the acoustic design of commercial, public, industrial and residential buildings, covering control of noise from mechanical services and other installed equipment; insulation of the building shell against the ingress of external noise and the egress of internal noise; sound insulation within the building and optimizing acoustic conditions within specific rooms or spaces.

In the case of a large building development, for example, We would carry out an environmental noise survey to establish the prevailing noise climate and anticipate relevant changes from traffic or other forecasts; set suitable noise criteria for the various spaces; specify attenuation requirements for the ventilation system; determine the sound insulation and vibration isolation needed for machinery spaces; specify sound insulation requirements for the building envelope; advise on room layout and partitioning to achieve the required levels of privacy, and deal with all details of the acoustic design of rooms.

Decibel Acoustic Solutions is therefore able to undertake responsibility for all aspects of the acoustic design of buildings. If required, these services will include supervision of the installation of noise and vibration control equipment and testing on commissioning of the building. In the case of dwellings such testing would include the measurement and appraisal of sound insulation for the purposes of Building Regulations approval.

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